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2024-2025 Officers
Officers for AIAA@UCFs student projects, competitions and committees:
Aviation Vehicle Design (AVD)
Austin Fleming, John Bradley - AVD Lead
Ian Dougherty, Carmina Sanchez - AVD Assistant
Quadcopter Design
Connor Tison, Erick Bobadilla - Quads Lead
Gabriel Johnson - Quads Assistant
Rocket Design
Dylan Moga, Lucas Bello - Rockets Lead
Maximus Haddad, Alex Plant, Nikos Zentefis - Rockets Assistant
Hovercraft Design
Ethan Nicoletti - HC Lead
Vivek Sritharan, Ethan Scheller - HC Assistant Lead
Glider Design
Zachary Halleneck - Glider Lead
Devon Dixon, Jacob Llorca - Glider Assistant Lead
Blimp Project
Nadav Shanun - Blimp Lead​
Events Committee
Skilar Chapman
Nico Dorfman
Rohan Rana
Media Committee
Zachary Morris
Alexander Plant
Sho DeGroot
Cameron Schwartz
Carmina Sanchez
Adriana Hernandez Rosa
Kaira Rogers
Sponsorship Committee
Lucas Bello
Logan Hammer
Tiago Harter
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